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What's a Good Day Look Like?: 8 de octubre

Updated: Mar 7, 2023

Optional: students can prepare their own questions related to Topic of the Day. This helps move the conversation along and also gives students practice forming sentences and using new vocabulary. Be prepared to not only ask your questions, but also answer them.

Topic of the Day - Week 2: What's a Good Day Look Like?

During Week 1, we asked questions to get to know our conversation partner. With a mix of former and new students in class for Week 2, some of this "get to know you" conversation may continue as we speak with new people:

¿De dónde eres?

¿Dónde vives?

¿Tienes hijos?

¿Tienes hermanos?

¿En qué trabajas?

¿Qué haces en tu tiempo libre? ​

Cuéntame sobre su personalidad.

To continue beyond this conversation, think about what a good day looks like for you. What do you do during a full day with no errands or tasks?

Option #1: Stay in the present tense. Who do you spend the day with? What are you eating? Where are you? Where are you going?: "I eat... I go... I visit..., etc."

Describe un buen día para ti.

¿Qué haces?

¿A quién ves?

¿Con quién hablas?

¿Con quién pasas el tiempo?

¿Estás con gente, o estás solo/a?

¿A dónde vas?

There are a few options for verb tenses if you want to branch out from the present tense: past tense and/or conditional tense.

Option #2: You can talk about a recent good day in the past. "I went... I saw... I ate..."

Describe un buen día para ti.

¿Qué hiciste?

¿A quién viste?

¿Con quién hablaste?

¿Con quién pasaste el tiempo?

¿Estuviste con gente, o estuviste solo/a?

¿A dónde fuiste?

Option #3: You can talk about an ideal day in the conditional tense. "I would go... I would see... I would eat..."

Describe un buen día para ti.

¿Qué harías?

¿A quién verías?

¿Con quién hablarías?

¿Con quién pasarías el tiempo?

¿Estarías con gente, o estarías solo/a?

¿A dónde irías?

Feeling nervous about Conversation Class? Think about how you would answer the questions above. Look up some words before class. You don't have to use all the tenses. If you are studying the present tense conjugation at the moment, stay in the present. That is perfectly fine, and it's great practice!

Prepare a few questions to ask your partner: when you ask the questions during conversation instead of always answering the questions, it can help you feel in control. It also gives you a break from speaking.

Need more of a challenge? Prepare questions that get you out of your comfort zone, and be prepared to answer them as well. Use these questions with the teacher for level-appropriate conversation.

Remember: We are all here to practice our Spanish and feel more confident in a new language. Mistakes are expected, and it's how we grow!

Nos vemos en clase. :)

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