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Giving & Getting Advice - 29 de octubre

Updated: Mar 7, 2023

Optional: students can prepare their own questions related to Topic of the Day. This helps move the conversation along and also gives students practice forming sentences and using new vocabulary. Be prepared to not only ask your questions, but also answer them.

Topic of the Day: Giving / Getting Advice

Think about good advice that someone has given you, or advice that you have given others. Do you like receiving advice from others? Who do you go to for advice? Who receives your advice? Do you ever receive advice you don't want? What's a topic that you feel comfortable giving advice about?

Option #1: Present / Present Perfect / Past Tense:

  • ¿Te gusta recibir consejos?

  • ¿A quién pides consejos?

  • ¿Quién te da buenos consejos?

  • ¿Qué consejos te da?

  • ¿Haces caso a esa persona?

  • ¿Prefieres recibir consejos de tu familia o de algún amigo?

  • ¿Hay alguien quien te da consejos que no quieres?

  • ¿Cuál es el mejor consejo que has recibido?

  • ¿Quién te dio ese consejo?

  • ¿A quién das consejos?

  • ¿Qué consejos das?

  • ¿Esa persona te hace caso?

Option #2: Advice around Specific Topics:

Danos tus consejos para:

  • La vida

  • Una carrera profesional

  • Hacer nuevas amistades

  • Ser saludable

  • Organizarse

  • Ganar más dinero

  • Viajar

  • Dormir más o mejor

  • Tener conversaciones difíciles

Option #3: Use the Subjunctive / Conditional to Give Advice

  • Yo recomiendo que + subjunctive ..

  • Te sugiero que + subjunctive ..

  • Es importante que + subjunctive ..

  • Es importante + infinitive ..

  • No deberías + infinitive ..

  • Deberías + infinitive ..

Feeling nervous about Conversation Class? Think about how you would answer the questions above. Look up some words before class. You don't have to use all the tenses. If you are studying the present tense conjugation at the moment, stay in the present. That is perfectly fine, and it's great practice!

Prepare a few questions to ask your partner: when you ask the questions during conversation instead of always answering the questions, it can help you feel in control. It also gives you a break from speaking.

Need more of a challenge? Prepare questions that get you out of your comfort zone, and be prepared to answer them as well. Use these questions with the teacher for level-appropriate conversation.

Remember: We are all here to practice our Spanish and feel more confident in a new language. Mistakes are expected, and it's how we grow!

Nos vemos en clase. :)

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